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Holistic Health

Holistic health practices strengthen, balance and heal your entire being. Your body, mind and spirit are intricately linked, and the health of each one affects the health of the other. Developing good holistic health also helps you to deflect stress, illness and other challenges so that you aren’t as strongly affected by them, if at all. Practices such as guided meditation, gratitude journaling, and positive attitude development help you to take charge of your own healthcare and bring you to a state of peace.


Available as one-time sessions or as part of an ongoing coaching program

Meditation Made Easy
Meditation helps to quiet the mind and release us from worry. For many people, though, the goal of clearing our mind of thought seems impossible to attain. This class teaches easy methods to meditate, and how to incorporate it into everyday life. Students will learn how, where, when and, most importantly, why to meditate. The relaxation and peace of mind students learn in this class will help them maintain more relaxation and peace in their daily lives. We will practice different types of meditation, including guided meditation and breathing practices.

How to Succeed in Business by Doing the Right Thing
Taking the time to return phone calls, write thank you notes, and show personal support to your clients and co-workers can go a long way toward establishing your good business reputation. Learn how to set yourself apart from the crowd by practicing simple acts of kindness, even if you are busy. We will discuss simple, time-saving tools for doing the right thing.

Every Day Stress Relief
We are often pulled in many directions, trying to balance our work responsibilities with the rest of our busy lives.  This leaves little time or energy to care for ourselves.  Learn techniques for staying healthy and balanced amid the pressures of your responsibilities.  We will discuss several methods for taking care of ourselves holistically – body, mind and spirit.  We will also practice a short meditation technique at the end of class.

Positive Conflict Resolution
Learn how to approach challenging situations with clients and co-workers in a healthy way.  We will discuss how to respond instead of react to potentially frustrating words and actions.  Methods for positive thinking, acceptance, and decision making will be presented.  We will also learn how to be conscious of the language that we use to express ourselves, to avoid misunderstandings and conflict.

Making Lemonade From Lemons
Learn how to overcome difficult life challenges such as grief, divorce, health issues, loss of a job, moving, stressful situations and challenging people.  We will discuss different methods for coping with these issues through positive thinking, empowering speech, and a gratitude-focused approach to life.  Learn to be happy and optimistic no matter what comes your way!

Feng Shui for Healthy Energy in Your Office
Learn guidelines for creating healthy energy, balance and harmony in your home, apartment and workplace using this ancient Chinese decorating technique. Participants will learn how the placement of furniture and accessories can enhance the energy in each room, which has a positive effect on both the space and its’ inhabitants.  We will learn how color, shape, and material have an effect on positive energy.  And we will also discuss the difference between “yin” and “yang” features, and how to balance them to create a pleasing harmony. (Individualized Feng Shui consultations also available, please contact us).

Good Health Through Balanced Energy – Students will learn how energy imbalances can affect our physical health, our thinking and our personality.  We will discuss the difference between yin (passive) and yang (active) energy, the concept of chakras (the seven energy centers located within our bodies), methods to balance our own energy, and methods for interacting in a healthy way with other people who have a different type of energy than we do.

Making Lemonade From Lemons  – This class helps participants learn how to overcome challenges they are facing in their lives such as frustration, loss, fear and grief.  We will discuss ways to remain happy and peaceful inside, no matter what is happening outside.  We will learn different methods for coping with challenging issues through positive thinking, empowering speech, and a gratitude-focused approach to life.

The Power of Intention – Our thoughts are very powerful.  We create our own sense of reality based on how we think and where we place our attention.  In this class participants will learn how to become aware of their current thought patterns, and decide where they would instead like to direct their energy and intentions in order to create a more peaceful and authentic reality for themselves. We will have a short intention meditation at the end of class.

Holistic Healthcare Primer – Students will learn about the physical benefits and stress-relieving benefits of yoga, Tai Chi, massage therapy, Reiki energy therapy, and meditation.  We will discuss how these different techniques help to improve breathing, balance, flexibility, and strength; as well as promote relaxation and peacefulness.  We will have a short meditation demonstration at the end of the class.

The Amazing Benefits of Gratitude Journaling – Keeping a daily journal of things that you are thankful for helps to elevate mood, increase optimism, alleviate depression, cope with grief, and provide a happier outlook on life.  This class teaches your group how to start a journal, what to include, and all of the ways that gratitude journaling can benefit them. We will also have a short discussion about Mindfulness Meditation, as it ties into observing and finding things to be grateful for in the world around us.

Aromatherapy for Health and Balance  – Aromatherapy is a natural, holistic healing practice that has been used for thousands of years to promote physical and mental health. Aromatherapy can reduce stress, promote good sleep, improve concentration, and many other helpful uses. We will sample several aromatherapy oils, learn about their benefits and how to use them, and make a personalized hand lotion or sugar scrub to take home. (there is an additional $2.50 material fee per person, per product) ***Not suitable for people with allergies or sensitive skin. 

Healthy Cooking Classes – Click here for a full program list -Food, clothing, and shelter” form the essential triad of our basic needs, allowing all other aspects of our lives to flourish.  And it is not insignificant that food is the first on the list!  When we get together with family or friends, it’s often for lunch or dinner. Our holiday celebrations always have special food dishes associated with them.  And the act of cooking allows each of us to connect with our sustenance, impart a piece of ourselves in what we create, and share it with those around us.

Vegetarianism 101 – Take the confusion out of becoming vegetarian! Learn the benefits of a vegetarian diet, how to get started, and how to get all the nutritional intake you need while following a delicious and nutritious meat-free diet. We will also talk about the environmental and moral reasons why people choose vegetarianism. You will receive a pamphlet of vegetarian recipes you can try on your own. (1 hour class)

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Hear what my clients have to say

"I had a wonderful experience taking my class! It was such a well-rounded course that sparked more curiosity and passion for holistic wellness. I would highly recommend taking a course with Judith."

Morgan L.